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  • Our main purpose for creating this blog is to make a healthy earth.
  • Some health tips are available but those are very difficult to implement and requires huge will power.
  • But we try to provide you tips which are very easy to implement and are highly beneficial.
  • Remember that small things can make a huge difference so please apply them and you will observe difference whiten 2-3 days after implementing it.


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Improve your Eyesight in 6 Steps---Health Tips

According to the modern science there is no effective solution for improving the eye site expect Surgery. Because here in modern science we believe that how the eye works depends more on genes of the person more then any other thing. On other hand Ayurveda has the set of simple practices through which 1000's of people have already recovered there lost clear vision. In Ayurveda it's clearly stated that you need some natural ingredients , convection in your mind and a strong determination to get rid of the defect for ever. Here mentioned tips are straight away coming from aryoveda and its recommended in aryoveda that follow this tips at least for 2-3 months and the result will be shocking for you. [Note : After you follow this routine you will surly get result but if you follow the tip mentioned at number 6 position your speed of recovery will increase by 2 times] So lets get started... Step 1 - EYE WASH Almost every one of us are washing our faces especially

3 Magical drink for removing all sort of pimples , dark spot , etc... from skin in 2months---Health Tips

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10 Oral Care Habits Ranked from Worst to Best---Health Tips

Way is oral health important ? Our Mouth is the reflection of our overall health its is said that your oral health is the mirror of your inner health. Do you remember that when you meet doctor he straight away ask you to open your mouth this is because mouth is directly connected to various organs of body. So for optimal health it is very important to maintain proper hieing. But most people on a daily bases are damaging there teeth and gums as a result Plague , Tooth Decay, Bleeding Gums, etc... are the problems form which they are suffering form. Research also suggest that many people take there oral health lightly but the good news is that to maintain your oral health you don't have to work more instead follow some simple habits and almost 90% of your oral problems will automatically get solved. Here 2 topics are covered 5 worst oral habits 5 Best oral habits [ Note : If tip mentioned at number 1 position is the best tip for oral health and if you follow it