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3 Magical drink for removing all sort of pimples , dark spot , etc... from skin in 2months---Health Tips

Way dark marks forms on face ?

  • Our face actually acts as a mirror of our body if any problem occurs in the body then the body directly reflects it on the face.
  • If your see some sort of dark spot , pimples , etc... on your face that simply means that your body is suffering from some sort of problems.
  • Generally this spots could be seen on face if a person is eating more amount of junk food and many time its due to incorrect way of drinking water.
  • Therefore to learn 5 tips of how to drink water so that you never suffer from the problems such as dark spot , pimples , etc... click here.

Which nutrition is important to get rid of all skin problems ?

  • Here Listed minerals plays a very vital role if you want to get rid of any skin problems . Polyphenols , Nucleic Acid , Vitamin B3 , Vitamin C , Vitamin E.
  • If your are able to provide this menials regularly to body then you will never suffer from any skin problems.
  • But don't you worry bellow mentioned drinks contains excess amount of all the above mentioned nutrition.
  • Hence , To remove any sort of skin problem drink any 1 from the 3 mentioned bellow drinks daily.

Here I have mentioned 3 drinks for skin choose any 1 drink and start consuming it from today.

[ Note : The image of listed ingredients are mentioned in this post . So please refer it once in case of some Misunderstanding ]

So lets get started...

Drink 1 :



Ingredients : Fennel Seeds , Dry Mint Leaves , Cloves , Black Corinth and Honey

Procedure to Prepare :
  1. First boil 1 cup of water in a pan.
  2. Then pour it into a glass and add 1 table spoon of  Fennel Seeds , powdered Dry Mint Leaves , 2 Cloves , 5-6 Black Corinth.
  3. Then keep it for whole night.
  4. [ Note : We don't have to boil this ingredients inside the water instead we have to add those ingredients in the glass containing boiled water ]
  5. Till morning all the impotent Nutrition of above mentioned ingredients will get mixed with water and water will get cooled.
  6. Now Filter this water with the help of some water filter.
  7. Now drink the obtained water in morning [ empty stomach ] after adding 1 table spoon of honey into it.

Benefits :

  • Here we have used Black Corinth will is a complete pack of antioxidants which will make your skin glow.
  • If you consume this drink then you will also get good amount of energy as well as all you skin problems will disappear within 3 months if you drink it regularly.

Drink 2 :



Ingredients : Spinach , Beet Root , Flax Seed Oil , Carrot , Apple , Turmeric Powder , and Squeezed Lemon juice.

Procedure to Prepare :

  1. First in a pen boil some water.
  2. Now add some Spinach in the boiled water and leave it for 10mins.
  3. Now in a grinder add some Spinach , 1 chopped Beet Root , 1 chopped carrot  , Half Apple and pinch of Turmeric powder.
  4. Now add some water to it and grind them.
  5. Now in the obtained juice add half spoon of Flax Seed Oil and half spoon of lemon juice.
  6. Now after mixing the drink its ready for consumption.
  7. You must consume it with breakfast daily.

Benefits :

  • Spinach , Beet Root and carrot are main ingredients and as we know they are really divine for our skin.
  • This drink is a complete pack of fiber , antioxidants , vitamins and minerals .
  • Therefore its really very good drink for obtaining good skin as well as its really very good for cleaning the blood.
  • Its will show its effect on skin in just 2monts.

Drink 3 :



Ingredients : Turmeric powder , Saffron ( Kesar ) , Almonds , Dry Rose Lives and Milk.

 Procedure to Prepare :

  1. Soak 5-6 Almonds in milk for 3-4hours.
  2. Now add that milk containing almond in grinder and grind them so that you obtain the paste.
  3. In this paste add half spoon of dry Rose lives , pinch of Saffron ( Kaser ) and half spoon of traumatic powder.
  4. Now mix them all.
  5. You must drink it before going to bed daily.
[ Note : If you fill it difficult in digesting milk then add some Cardamom or Ginger into it . This will make the digestion process of milk fast and easy .]

Benefits :
  • Here we have used Saffron ( Kaser ) and Rose . Saffron ( Kaser ) is used to whitening the skin while Rose will remove all sort of wrinkles from face.
  • This drink will solve all you skin problems in just 1-2 months.

Note : Prevent your self from consuming any kind of junk food if you want to get desired result from the above mentioned drink.]
If you are not able to control your cravings then
click here to know how I control my cravings in just 30sec.

Conclusion : Choose any one drink form the above mentioned 3 drinks and consume it daily.


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