Disease caused by not drinking water in Correct Way and Correct Time
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3. Many inbuilt disease could occur in our body disease such as --Joint Pain , Wrinkles on Face , Lose Motion , Migraine , Hair Falling , Acidity , Weakness , etc-- Occurs just not by drinking water properly.
4. Only by paying the attention on Habits of drinking water more then 90% of disease could be solved.
Bellow mentioned points will explain you that How to drink water.
First of all we have to learn How to keep water.
- Water is the only Fluid that has Memory. [ view research work ]
- Hence the way we keep it in our homes will decide how water acts in our body.Therefore in India we Worship Water before drinking it .
- Just the thought of thanking water for giving us life will affect the molecular structure of water.
- Whose effect will be Fabulous in our body.
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- After using RO all the harmfull as well as very useful component of water gets removed from water drinking such a water gives no help to our body.
- SO after using RO for cleaning water just keep that water in CLAY POTS it will restore those important components again in water.
- Keeping the water in COPPER vessels is the best practice for making water equivalent to 'AMRUT'.
When and How not to drink water ?
1. Never drink water just after the meal you can drink 2 or max 3 medium sip of water but not more then that because drinking water just after meal will not digest the food instead it will disturb the digestive process.
- Hence , Instead of water we can drink Fruit juice , Butter Milk , etc after Meal or you can wait for 30 mins and then drink water.
2. Never drink water just after coming from washroom because at the time of urinating all the cells get compressed and drinking water at this point will disturb the cell to get into there original state.
Even the body will not get the complete benefit of water.
3. Never drink water while you are standing because it creates pressure on different joints of our body which will lead to the problem of joint pain.
You can drink water in any other time or in any other way expect the way and times mentioned in above points.
When and How to drink water ? [ Read it for Extracting most benefits out of water ]
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Animal Drinking Water |
1. Drinking water in morning before cleaning mouth
- This could be the most healthiest habit for human.The Saliva that gets collected in mouth whole night contains the bunch of bacteria those can digest the food and could be highly beneficial for cleaning stomach.
- One who drink's 1 or 2 glass slightly hot of water before cleaning mouth in morning will never get affected by any stomach disease.
2. Drink water slowly by keeping it in mouth for few second in your every sip
- When you drink water by keeping it in mouth for some time it gets mixed with saliva and enters in our stomach which alone is capable of curing tons of disease.
If you follow the above mentioned tips of drinking water you will Surly observe the difference within 2-3 days.
Conclusion:We can't live even a day without water it's so important for our survival . Therefore we must pay attention on it.
Life without water is not possible therefore we must always remain thankful to nature for providing this valuable compound to us.
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