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5 Superfoods that You Must Eat Daily---Health Tips

The Question may arise that What are super food ?

  • The food becomes super food when it has Plethora of Benefits , Versatile Uses , Suits all Body Types.
  • The food which we are talking about are easily available in our local market even these fruits are cheap in cost.
  • Here we are also going to share how and when to eat these fruits so that you may derive maximum profit out of it.
  • Here the food we are talking about are once those grows in INDIA and there exist no food anywhere growing in the world that could match the quality of these super food.
  • In the list the food that is on number 1 position is must eat food because it is cheaper then poison available in market called toothpaste.
  • For knowing way toothpaste are equivalent to poison and what is the alternative of toothpaste click here.

The list of super food starts from here...


banana,banana benefits

  • Banana is easy to pocket , Always Available , Very versatile , Highly Nutritious It also contain all the nutrition that are used for quick recharging of the body nutrition such as Vitamin B6 , Fiber , Potassium , Calcium , Vitamin C.
  • Many time we all think that banana is used for weight gain but the truth is that it can be used for both weight reduction and weight gain which depends upon when you eat them.
  • For weight reduction : To reduce your weight you must eat banana Empty stomach in morning.
  • For weight gain : When you eat banana any time other then mentioned above it will increase your weight.
  • Banana Peal contains 10 times more calcium as compared to banana Hence, one must screech it with spoon and must then consume it but here we will recommend only to do this if you are directly getting  them from farms because from farm until it reach your home many chemicals are mixed in them they are generally present in all the food products we eat and removing them is very impotent.
  • To remove 98% of such poisonous chemical click here.
  • In India near south they serve there foods on banana leaf this is because it increases the taste of you food as well as Polyphemus present in them gets mixed with our food and then acts as a Antioxidant for our body which protect our body from bacteria.

#4. Coconut

coconut,coconut benefits

  • The coconut is broken before starting every big project in India because it helps in making mind calm.
  • Its Hearth Healthy , Stomach Friendly , Fat Burning . Hence it is considered as Devin fruit in India.
  • It contain fat called as MCT that is the same fat present in mothers milk.
  • For Hydration Instead of drinking poison like coca-cola , Pepsi which instead of hydrating dehydrates our body one must always drink the divine Tender coconut water that truly performs miracle in our body.
  • Coconut palm dry coconut must be included in meal because they are really beneficial for our body.
  • One must use coconut oil for cooking . In the survey of in Kerala present in India which is famous of its coconut . 
  • It was found that there heart is healthiest among the globe this is because the always use coconut oil for cooking which is one of the most healthiest food available on planet earth.

#3. Amla

amla,amla benefits

  • It has always been used in different kind of medicine and the Sanskrit proverb for amla is mother, nurse ,etc just due to its property.
  • Its the number 1 immunity booster in amla .
  • Its also medicine for all eye related problem , Digestion related problem ,  Contains bunch of vitamin C , antiviral , Cancer fighter and the list goes on.
  • You can consume a boiled amla that tastes like a pickle and whose benefits are divine must be the part of your meal daily.
  • Any symptoms of per-ageing such as Grey Hair , Dull Skin could be resolved just by eating amla.

#2. Almonds

almonds,almonds benefits

  • Here we are not talking about the californium almond instead the Indian Almond that is easily available in India in local grossery stores.
  • They are very much nutritious and these nutrition are Easy for body to absorb , Good for skin and hair , Good for hearth , Suits all body type.
  • They acts as the brain boaster as they sharpen our memory capacity and also improve mental calmness due to fatty acids in them.
  • It is highly recommended to soke 5 to 6 almonds in water over night and then to eat them by removing its peal in morning .This is highly beneficial of our brain.
  • Even doing the massage of almond oil in navel will help you to get glowing skin. 

#1. Pure Cow Ghee

Ghee,Ghee benefits

  • Looking at the benefits of ghee its always been considered as Sacred in India.
  • People think that it increases fat in our body even increases cholesterol and fat  in body but its NOT the truth.
  • According to the fact Ghee is best for cooking due to maximum smoke point.
  • Adding Ghee in our food not only increases taste of the food but also helps absorbing complete nutrition present in the food we eat.
  • If you put Ghee drop in your nostrils before sleeping it will nourish the all the body parts above neck.
  • But the benefits of eating Ghee is endless it helps in Cutting Stubborn Fat , Hearth healthy , Nourishing Bones & Skin , Reduces cholesterol and the list is endless.

Conclusion : One must include any three super food in there diet to remain healthy you will see the difference the very next day after including these super food in your diet.


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