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Top 3 Quick , Easy & Very Healthy Lunch Box Ideas---Health Tips

Lunch is one of the most important time of the day its the time when our digestive system works at its best.

  • But many of us during this time have to consume those unhealthy foods of our canteen or some street vendor.
  • So here we are presenting 3 most suitable meal that you must try in your lunch box.

My top priorities while preparing this list were

  1. Least time for cooking
  2. Verity of taste
  3. Practicality
Here we have not included boring but very healthy pulses , chapati etc...

So lets get started...

[Note : Link is provided at the end where in 1 Video Cooking procedure of all this 3 meal is given you can visit it video length is of only 9]

3 Meal : Beans Pulao

If You are looking for some change then try out this meal.

  1. In a pen take
  2. 1 table spoon of Ghee
  3. 1 table spoon of Cumin Seeds
  4. Chopped Onions
  5. Fry this mixture with Rock Salt , Turmeric , Black Pepper , Ginger , Black Cardamom and Bay Leaf
  6. Add 3 Table spoon of overnight soaked Kidney Beans , Chickpeas and Black Kabuli chana
  7. Add Half cup of Brown Rice and about half glass of water.
  8. That's it...
  9. Cook it for 20-30mins and then you can garnish it with chopped tomato's and lemon and can take it in you lunch box.


Contain Complex Carbs , Protein , Healthy Fats , Vitamins.
Which make it complete energy booster as well as mind freshener.

2 Meal : Paneer Capsicum Roll

  1. It's my all time favorite.
  2. In a pen
  3. Some  Mustard Oil
  4. 1 table spoon of Cumin Seeds and let them splutter
  5. Now add Chopped Onions , Salt , Pinch of Black Pepper and Turmeric
  6. Chopped Tomatoes and then fry it for some time.
  7. Now add chopped Capsicum in it and 100gm of Paneer in it.
  8. Mix them well cover it with lid and cook it in low flame for 5mins
  9. That's it... Its done.

Now add some curd in it with some ketchup and mix it well.
Now take in a Chapati and you can take it in your lunch box.


Super high in Protein , Super Healthy , and Super Filling it has a taste that you will surly Enjoy!

1 Meal : Veggies Sweet Potato

This is one of the best food that I would like to share to with You and the reason is that is is Easy to make , tasty , Healthy and stomach filler dish.
  1. In a pan take 1 tea spoon of Mustered Oil , 1 table Spoon of Cumin Seed and let them splutter.
  2. Now add Chopped Onions with Rock Salt ( According to taste You want ), 1 pinch of Black Pepper and Turmeric.
  3. Put 100gm of Sweet Potato in it ( Chopped or diced ) ,You can Add your favorite vegetables like cabbage , carrot , Cauliflower , etc... and mix them.
  4. Put some water into it and then cover the pan for some 10-15mins on a low flame.
  5. Meal while take some Tamarind ( Emli ) and soaked it into the warm water then after 15mins when your vegetables are cooked.
  6. Then add that tamarind water to it then you can Garnish it with some curd and your meal is ready to take in your Lunch Box.


Its one of the best source of Complex carbohydrates which makes them an excellent replacement of chapati.
Try the bellow mentioned food for you lunch box and enjoy your meal !

I will recommend to watch the video mentioned bellow for better clarification.

link of Video :


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