There are two kinds of diseases
1. Diseases caused due to incorrect life style2. Diseases caused due to micro-organisms (bacteria , virus , etc...)
- To cure the diseases caused die to micro-organisms your immunity power must be strong.
- But look at your self 80% of diseases from which your are suffering from is caused due to your wrong habits . Hence you need to change those habits.
- Bellow the habits are mentioned that will boost you immunity power so that you can fight against micro-organisms and these habits will also help you to protect your self from diseases generated by incorrect life style.
Sensuously follow the bellow mentioned habits at least for 2 days and you will definitely fell the result.
Habit 1 : In morning drink water without cleaning teeth.
Drinking Water |
- This habit is considered as the most healthiest habit that a human being can follow.
- During the night when we sleep the saliva gets stored in our mouth now this saliva contains many spatial enzymes that can clean your long Intestine as well as small intestine completely.
- And remember that is your intestines are clean than no diseases can even touch you.
- So , It is highly recommended to follow this habit from the very next morning.
Habit 2 : Stop Drinking cold water.
- According to aryoveda and the modern research it's proved that one must drink the water whose temperature is near to your body temperature.
- The problem is that one cannot measure the temperature of water every time before drinking it . So the solution is that never keep the water in refrigerator always keep it in pots of clay of in a vessel of Copper.
- This two container will take care that the temperature of water remain closer to your body temperature.
- Drinking Luke warm water is Recommended because it helps our body to get De-Detoxified by removing toxic waste from our body.
Habit 3 : Always chew you food 32 times.
- As we all know that our Saliva contains enzyme that can digest our food and if you chew your food 32 times more then 50% of your food gets digested in your mouth itself . Hence , Your body will not have to work hard for digesting that king of food.
- It also help on losing our body weight . If you follow this habit for 1 month them without any gym you can reduce more then 5kg of your body weight in 1 month.
- Many of us feel very difficult to follow these habits but there are certain ways available through which you easily implement this tip for 21 days because after that it will become your habit.
- For getting the tip of how to implement this tip in your day to day life click here.
Habit 4 : Never use tooth paste and tooth brush.
- Many of us are suffering from the problem of sensitivity , cavity , etc...
- If our toothpaste was efficient enough then we would not have been suffering from this problem. This simply means that they are useless and also very harmfull for our mouth and saliva.
- Therefore neem twig are best for cleaning out teeth and it's bristles are also very soft . Therefore it will never harm our mouth.
- Use neem twig for 1 month and all the mouth related problems will get disappeared to learn how to use neem twig search you tube many video are available there regarding this topic.
- To see the competition Neem twig vs Tooth paste click here.
Habit 5 : Drink water sip by sip.
- Many of us might be unaware of the fact that per day at lest 2 liters of saliva must reach our stomach for better functioning of our body , stomach , intestines ,etc body parts.
- For feeding 2 liter of saliva to your body daily you have to drink water sip by sip and must chew your food 32 times.
- Let me tell you that the water in every sip must contain not more then water equivalent to one spoon.
- Doing this will help you to recover all kinds joint pains in 3 days.
- Even this will help you to reduce 6kg of weight on 1 month.
- Birds always drink water drop by drop have you ever seen birds suffering from any kind of joint pain , diabetes , migraine , etc...
- The answer is NO and this is only because of this water drinking habit.
Habit 6 : Never drink water just after eating.
- In aryoveda it is said that at the end of meal if you drink water then it is equivalent of drinking poison.
- All the animals present in the world follow this habit except humans.
- Let us take the example of buffalo . Buffalo always eat in morning and there after it drinks water something around 2 hours after eating.
- And you will never see a buffalo suffering from diabetes , migraine , etc... Just due to this habit of drinking water.
- But we humans don't have to wait for 2 hours after eating instead we need to drink water after 1 hours of eating food.
Habit 7 : Walk at least 100 or 50 steps after eating.
Walking |
- It is not recommended to walk just after eating instead wait for 20 mins after meal and then start your walk of 50 or 100 steps.
This habits seems to be really small but believe that they are highly effective for improving our health.
Follow them for just 3 days without cheating your self and you will see the difference . And now the one who say that I can't follow them for just 3 days then the guy with such a weak self control is good for nothing.
Conclusion : Your habits decide your mental as well as physical health So choose your habits wisely.
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