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Showing posts with the label Healthy Habits

6 Food Combination that you must never eat together---Health Tips

As it is said that a person who follows the  balance diet remains fit for ever .  And every food product that we eat have its own effect our body in different ways. If we eat 2 food products whose affect are opposite on our body then knowingly or unknowingly we are inviting big troubles. Even the food products like fruits , milk , vegetables , etc... which are good for our health but when eaten together acts like poison for our body. There And let me tell you that there are some incompatible food (food items that must not be eaten together) and if you consume them together then you will get affected by the diseases those are incurable. We must take extra care while consuming food products that are obtained form some animals like eggs , honey , meat , etc... because generally they are incomparable with all food products. Are we consuming incompatible foods (food items that must not be eaten together) daily? And unfortunately due to lack of information most of us i

Get Over Smart Phone Addiction in 4 Simple Steps (Practical Solution)---Health Tip

On an average an young adult spends about 4 hours on there smart phone every day. Today phone have become like our body part people become anxious , disturbed without there Phones even for a few minutes. They are always seen with phone in there hands they are always busy with there phones while sitting , eating, Between conversation , Before going to sleep in night and the list is end less.  Phones we created for being used but now  a days unfortunately they are using most of the people. Some one had truly said that " Technology is good Servant but a bad master". Seriously ask yourself that are you slave or master of your phone. I f you are a slave of your phone then here mentioned 4 tips will provide you freedom from this slavery of smartphone and will help you to become the master of Smart Phone. Why should I cut short using my smartphone ? Lets see the data and you will easily relate it. Studies show that most of the people are suffering form anxi

3 Magical drink for removing all sort of pimples , dark spot , etc... from skin in 2months---Health Tips

Way dark marks forms on face ? Our face actually acts as a mirror of our body if any problem occurs in the body then the body directly reflects it on the face. If your see some sort of dark spot , pimples , etc... on your face that simply means that your body is suffering from some sort of problems. Generally this spots could be seen on face if a person is eating more amount of junk food and many time its due to incorrect way of drinking water. Therefore to learn 5 tips of how to drink water so that you never suffer from the problems such as dark spot , pimples , etc... click here . Which nutrition is important to get rid of all skin problems ? Here Listed minerals plays a very vital role if you want to get rid of any skin problems . Polyphenols , Nucleic Acid , Vitamin B3 , Vitamin C , Vitamin E. If your are able to provide this menials regularly to body then you will never suffer from any skin problems. But don't you worry bellow mentioned drinks contains exce

Reality of Mosquitoes Killing gadgets and there Natural Home Made Alternatives---Health Tips

According to the list of WHO ( World health Organization )... The most dangerous creature for humans is not tiger neither snake but its some one who lives in our house and its no one other then MOSQUITOES . Around 10lacks or more people face there death every year due to Mosquitoes Biting . There are almost 3000 or more species of mosquitoes present in our World but Not all are harmful for Humans. But from all mosquitoes entering or house if only 1 Mosquito that enters our house belongs to that harmful species then its really dangerous for all people living in home. Because its 1 bite can cause Malaria or Dengue . Although we can see mosquitoes through out the year but during the summer season as well as in the ending time of monsoon season there quantity reasonably increases. And its the time when maximum people fall sick because during this time the harmfull species of mosquitoes takes birth and enters our house. Now a days due to increase in amount of diseases that

5 Secrets ways of using water to get Glowing Skin as well as Super Digestive system---Health tips

First I would like to say that water is really very much important for our body because more then 65% of our body is made of water. Even you might be aware of the fact that water is the main reason that makes your skin glow so one must use it for curing different skin related problem even to get glowing skin. Even Water help us to digest the food we eat therefore just drinking water in correct way can cure all your digestion related problem. This is very much important because all the health related problem starts from stomach. So lets get started... Tip 1 : Avoid Drinking water Just Before or After Meal The simple reason behind this is that When we eat food the temperature of our body increases due to digestive fire produced in our stomach. This fire is caused so that food gets digested Quickly and Completely. Now When you drink water just after your meal temperature of your body starts getting decreased due to which food in our stomach do not get dig

6 30second Tricks to control cravings----Health Tips

Most of us are suffering from this big problem called CRAVING . It can be the craving of eating junk food , craving of unhealthy food , etc... Tip Number 6 ( Magical tip ) can really be helpful for you to control your craving and I have been personally using this tip to avoid craving. And this tips might look odd but believe me It works "Try It" for just once and you will see the difference. Now what is craving ? When we are suffering from intense desire for eating or getting something irrespective of the fact that we really need it or not then this phenomenon is known as craving . Now this craving can be of any thing such as chocolate , Ice - Cream , Pizza , Burger , etc... Let me tell you that craving are natural and every one can feel its impact in there life. Are Craving Bad ? The answer is NO. Here I mean not all time until it become harmfull for us . For Example : If we have Drunk water long time ago then the craving for drinking act's l

5 tips to wake up early in the morning---Health Tips

We all are here because we have tried many tips such as sleep early , Wake up with alarm bell , etc... But all the tips didn't worked for us so here I am going to mention some practical solution for waking up early. Follow any one tip mentioned bellow that is convenient for you. First 3 are the tips that will help you to only wake up early and last 2 tips help you to sleep well so that you can wake up early. Lets get started... Tip1 - Get exited to wake up  To wake up early in the morning is a big problem for all of us this is simply because we are not exited for the next morning we are not exited for the next day that god is giving us and mind well that today's night can be your last night. Now all of us are different and some like to start his day from music some likes video games and some may like eating. For Example if you like to start your day with eating so you must decide what are you going to eat the very next day before sleeping this will cre

According to Aryoveda If you follow these 7 Habits no diseases can even Touch You---Health Tips

There are two kinds of diseases  1. Diseases caused due to incorrect life style 2. Diseases caused due to micro-organisms (bacteria , virus , etc...) To cure the diseases caused die to micro-organisms your immunity power must be strong. But look at your self 80% of diseases from which your are suffering from is caused due to your wrong habits . Hence you need to change those habits. Bellow the habits are mentioned that will boost you immunity power so that you can fight against micro-organisms and these habits will also help you to protect your self from diseases generated by incorrect life style. Sensuously follow the bellow mentioned habits at least for 2 days and you will definitely fell the result. Habit 1 : In morning drink water without cleaning teeth. Drinking Water This habit is considered as the most healthiest habit that a human being can follow. During the night when we sleep the saliva gets stored in our mouth now this saliva contains many sp