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Does eating RAW food Really increase your energy and reduceses your weight ?---Health Tips

How to check that you are really healthy physically and also mentally ?  Live Happy The perfect technique to chalk that weather you are healthy or not is quite easy. When you wake up and feel fresh , alive it simply means that you are Healthy and at the same time when you wake up and don't feel fresh that simply shows that you are not completely healthy. So the question arises that how to remain healthy ? And the solution to remain healthy is to EAT RAW FOOD . Experiment : Tonight instead of eating cooked food eat RAW food you will find that how fresh you wake up the next morning. Just try this for one day and you will see the difference.   How can eating RAW food be helpful in weight reduction ? The starch in broken form can easily be digested by our body and we all know that after digestion of starch all this starch gets converted into fat and gets stored in our body. But in RAW fruits & vegetables the starch is not in broken form So our body

How to ACTUALLY remove Pesticides from Fruit & Vegitables ?---Health Tips

Are fruits and vegetables eatable now a days ?  Fruits and Vegetables As we are aware of this facts that most of the fruits and vegetables available in the market are comes with vitamins and minerals but the harsh truth is that the quantity of poison( pesticides ) is more then the minerals present in them. Harms caused by eating fruits & vegetables containing pesticides and other chemicals in them. After eating this kind of food products one may easily get affected from Food Poisoning , Diarrhea , Hormonal Imbalance , Skin Issues , Hair Problems , etc... Some deadly diseases related to Brain , Lung , Kidney or even Cancer may take place in the body after eating this kind of food. Now the question may arise that Way do we use pesticides if its so harmful for humans beings ? Pesticide are the chemicals that are used to by farmers for increasing the production of crops in there field. They have to do this because the money they get in return of there prod

How to kill the biggest killer of the world OBESITY?---HEALTH TIPS

Not alcohol nor tobacco neither cigarette are the biggest problem of the world the biggest problem from which the whole humanity is suffering is OBESITY and due to this problem every year million's of people die.             WEIGHT LOSS The best solution to kill obesity does not lie in dieting nor in gym Rather the solution which we are going to share is been recommend to most of us by our Grand Parents and now a days even Scientist's are also recommending it and the solution definitely works.  The solution to this biggest problem is to CHEW YOUR FOOD 32 times. The whole internet is full of benefits that you can get by chewing your food 32 times but there is no information about how to apply this principle in your day to day life. Its not easy for a common man who generally has weak willpower to apply this principle in his/her life . So we are providing the simple tips of how to apply this principle in your day to day life with very less effort.        

7 Tips of How to sleep well and Wake up early ?----Health Tips

Bellow mentioned points will explain you How to sleep well because to wake up early you must first learn to sleep well. SLEEP WELL TIP 1 : Eat 3 to 4 hours before going to bad When you are eating 1 or 2 hours just before going to sleep your body have to work very heard to digest that food. Due to such wastage of energy you would not be able to sleep well therefore eat 3 to 4 hours before sleeping so that your body may get enough time to digest the food. TIP 2 : Lit the small lamp in your room before going to sleep The colour of the lamp gives your body a signal that it's time to sleep. This is the one of the most efficient technique for getting deep and good quality of sleep and if the quality of your sleep is going to be good then you will surly wake up early without any effort.   TIP 3 : Keep your phone in Read mode after evening The blue light that is coming from the phone give your body signal to wake up instead of giving the signal of sleepin

Making this one habit can reduce more then 10 kg of belly fat in 1 month without Gym or workout---Health Tips

Before getting tips lets understand first that how belly fat are produced in our stomach.                                    Fat in Belly is many time created due to some toxic substances that we are taking in our body through drinking or eating. As this toxic material cant be digested by the body so they get collected in our belly in the form of fat . Many time when we eat more then the need of our body our body starts storing those food in the form of fat in our body. This fat is used as the source of reserved energy in the body.Which is burnt by body and utilized in the time of need but many of us never needs it. So due to constant over eating the amount of fat increases but these fat is never been used by us so the belly keeps on growing. The highly effective tips for reducing belly fat are mentioned bellow follow them regularly and you will see difference in 1week. Weight Loss Through Water TIP 1 : To reduce 2kg of weight in 1 month Drinking

Incorrect way of drinking water can cause you MIGRAINE ?---Health Tips

Disease caused by not drinking water in Correct Way and Correct Time     1. Body of MALE is made up of 60% water while FEMALE body is contain 55% of water. 2. So more then 50% of our body is made up of water . Hence , by ignoring this valuable compound of our body. 3. Many inbuilt disease could occur in our body disease such as -- Joint Pain , Wrinkles on Face  , Lose Motion , Migraine , Hair Falling ,  Acidity , Weakness , etc-- Occurs just not by drinking water properly. 4. Only by paying the attention on Habits of drinking water more then 90% of disease could be solved. Bellow mentioned points will explain you that How to drink water.   First of all we have to learn How to keep water. Water is the only Fluid that has Memory. [ view research work ] Hence the way we keep it in our homes will decide how water acts in our body.Therefore in India we Worship Water before drinking it . Just the thought of thanking water for giving us life will

Neem twig vs Tooth paste---Health Tips

Here mentioned 6 points will compare that what is better Neem twigs or a tooth paste Neem for teeth Which one has batter for killing bacteria? Neem twig                                            It kill's 99.99% of harmfull bacteria present in our mouth. Tooth paste It also kill's 99.99% of harmfull bacteria present in our mouth.               Which good and which one is harmfull for saliva production in mouth ? Saliva is very impotent for our digestive system. If production of saliva stops in mouth then this will defiantly bring death.  Neem twig       It is best for increasing production of saliva in our  mouth. Tooth paste    With more use of toothpaste the production of saliva reduces in our mouth.                       Which among  them is contains harmfull chemical Neem twigs                                       Definitely it contains chemicals but none of them are harmfull for our mouth or body. Tooth