According to the list of WHO ( World health Organization )... The most dangerous creature for humans is not tiger neither snake but its some one who lives in our house and its no one other then MOSQUITOES . Around 10lacks or more people face there death every year due to Mosquitoes Biting . There are almost 3000 or more species of mosquitoes present in our World but Not all are harmful for Humans. But from all mosquitoes entering or house if only 1 Mosquito that enters our house belongs to that harmful species then its really dangerous for all people living in home. Because its 1 bite can cause Malaria or Dengue . Although we can see mosquitoes through out the year but during the summer season as well as in the ending time of monsoon season there quantity reasonably increases. And its the time when maximum people fall sick because during this time the harmfull species of mosquitoes takes birth and enters our house. Now a days due to increase in amount of diseases that ...
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